Friday, October 06, 2006

i suppose i ought to update

so......the obligatory update.

i'm alive.

i'm refusing to use capitalization.

i have an 8 am class twice a week and the sole reason i go (besides the beautiful man who routinely sits next to me except on thursdays when he decides not to show up) is because the tests are mostly based on lecture notes.

i want to come to california for jessy's birthday. what's a 21st birthday without me? i'll tell you: boring.

there's not a whole lot going on....i think i've finally decided to make film with a concentration in screenwriting as my major....and a super nod to Mez with my soon-to-be-declared minor in Art History. Believe me, I've been looking...and I haven't found a better teacher. I'm still waiting. I may have to come back to RBHS for some decent least in the field of Art History.

in other news....I learned how to play "Hold You In My Arms" by Ray's not as cheesy as the title sounds and i like it alot.

my punctuation is not conSiStenT. how intriguing.

in ultimate other news: someone asked me to be his girlfriend and i turned him down, told him he creeped me out, and then went back to guitar practice.

go me.